2035 Wake Transit Plan Update: Public comment period extended through July 21

There is still time to contribute your opinion to the 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update! Your input is valued and helps set transit investment priorities for the next 10-years. You can learn more about Phase 1 of the Wake Transit Plan Update and participate in the community review and public comment period through Sunday, July … Read more

What is TPAC?

The Wake County Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC) coordinates the planning and implementation of the Wake Transit Plan. The TPAC serves a structured advisory role to the governing boards that share responsibility for overseeing the Wake Transit Plan: the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CAMPO) Executive Board; and, the GoTriangle Board of Trustees. TPAC Subcommittees … Read more

Input Opens on Two Amendment Requests for FY24 Q3 Wake Transit Work Plan; Public Comment period closes January 5, 2024

Two (2) amendment requests of the Wake Transit Work Plan opened for a 30-day Community Review & Public Comment period on Friday, December 8, 2023. Community members are eligible and encouraged to review and submit their relevant comments for the public record by the closing deadline of Friday, January 5, 2024. Both Wake Transit Work … Read more

Wake Bus Plan ADA Funding Policy and Service Standards and Performance Guidelines open for Public Comment through November 20

Visit the GOFORWARD Website to submit comments: goforwardnc.org/getinvolvedwake The opportunity to participate in the Public Comment Period for two Wake Bus Plan items is available through November 20, 2023. They were first made available for public input on November 6, 2023. The Wake Transit community is invited to review and comment on both documents throughout … Read more