Visit the GOFORWARD Website to submit comments:
The opportunity to participate in the Public Comment Period for two Wake Bus Plan items is available through November 20, 2023. They were first made available for public input on November 6, 2023. The Wake Transit community is invited to review and comment on both documents throughout the public input period:
- Wake Bus Plan ADA Funding Policy Draft
- Wake Bus Plan Service Standards and Performance Guidelines Draft
The Wake Bus Plan ADA Funding Policy is a technical memorandum designed to establish a transparent and efficient process for budgeting and reimbursing the costs of complimentary ADA paratransit services related to the expansion and growth of Wake Transit Plan-funded, fixed-route transit investments. These services are required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Wake Bus Plan Service Standards and Performance Guidelines establish a framework and rationale for operation and investment in transit services in Wake County. Design guidelines help ensure that similar types of service are being implemented the same way across the county.
The Wake Transit community and the general public are invited to review these two items and provide relevant comments. There are several ways to submit input. More information is available by visiting: