2035 Wake Transit Plan Update; Comment Period Wraps up July 21 for Phase 1

The community review and public comment period for Phase 1 the 2035 Wake Transit Plan update will conclude on July 21, 2024. The Wake Transit Plan is the investment strategy designed to shape the future of public transit in Wake County. In 2016, Wake County voters approved a package dedicated to expanding and strengthening the public … Read more

2035 Wake Transit Plan Update: Public comment period extended through July 21

There is still time to contribute your opinion to the 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update! Your input is valued and helps set transit investment priorities for the next 10-years. You can learn more about Phase 1 of the Wake Transit Plan Update and participate in the community review and public comment period through Sunday, July … Read more

GoTriangle to resume fare collections, July 1, 2024

After suspending fares during the COVID-19 pandemic, GoTriangle will return to collecting fares on July 1, 2024, with new options for passengers that include digital ticketing and a convenient pass for low-income riders to ride fare-free. Youth (ages 13-18) and seniors (ages 65 and older) will still ride free (as they did pre-pandemic) after they … Read more

Comment period closes April 5

One Wake Transit Work Plan amendment request was submitted for consideration in the FY 2024 Q4 amendment cycle. The amendment request was a “major” capital project amendment, requesting that funds be budgeted from a reserve account for a new project. The public review and comment period began on March 8 and ends April 5, 2024. … Read more

Deadline approaches to contribute input

There are only a few days left until the end of the 30-day public comment period for the Draft FY 2025 Wake Transit Work Plan on March 26, 2024. Don’t delay, comment today! Input from community members and other Wake Transit stakeholders is vital to the planning process. There are several ways for individuals and … Read more

What is TPAC?

The Wake County Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC) coordinates the planning and implementation of the Wake Transit Plan. The TPAC serves a structured advisory role to the governing boards that share responsibility for overseeing the Wake Transit Plan: the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CAMPO) Executive Board; and, the GoTriangle Board of Trustees. TPAC Subcommittees … Read more