One Wake Transit Work Plan amendment request was submitted for consideration in the FY 2024 Q4 amendment cycle. The amendment request was a “major” capital project amendment, requesting that funds be budgeted from a reserve account for a new project.
The public review and comment period began on March 8 and ends April 5, 2024. Wake Transit partners and community members are encouraged to review the FY 2024 Q4 Wake Transit Amendment Request review packet, which includes detailed information about the request.
Input from community members and other Wake Transit stakeholders is vital to the planning process. There are several ways for individuals and groups to submit their input.
Public comments are accepted through the following channels:
Mail: GoTriangle, C&PA, Wake Transit, 4600 Emperor Blvd., Suite 100, Durham, NC 27703
Text: WAKE24Q4 to 855-925-2801 (charges may apply)
Call: 855-925-2801 (toll-free) and enter code 10209 to leave a voicemail
Regional Call Center: GoTriangle, 919-485-RIDE (7433)