What is TPAC?

By RCH | Jan 10, 2024

The Wake County Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC) coordinates the planning and implementation of the Wake Transit Plan. The TPAC serves a structured advisory role to the governing boards that share responsibility for overseeing the Wake Transit Plan: the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CAMPO) Executive Board; and, the GoTriangle Board of Trustees.

TPAC Subcommittees may help complete tasks in certain topic areas. There are two active subcommittees: 1) Program Development; and, 2) Community Engagement. The subcommittees may finalize draft materials from the lead agencies and workgroups after development or review. They may also vote on whether to send items to the TPAC for further consideration or action. The TPAC also appoints working groups to examine specific topics.

Voting members of the TPAC include: CAMPO, GoTriangle, Wake County, City of Raleigh, Town of Cary, Town of Apex, Town of Fuquay-Varina, Town of Garner, Town of Holly Springs, Town of Knightdale, Town of Morrisville, Town of Rolesville, Town of Wake Forest, Town of Wendell, Town of Zebulon, North Carolina State University, and the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina.

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Input Opens on Two Amendment Requests for FY24 Q3 Wake Transit Work Plan; Public Comment period closes January 5, 2024

By RCH | Dec 11, 2023

Two (2) amendment requests of the Wake Transit Work Plan opened for a 30-day Community Review & Public Comment period on Friday, December 8, 2023. Community members are eligible and encouraged to review and submit their relevant comments for the public record by the closing deadline of Friday, January 5, 2024.

Both Wake Transit Work Plan amendment requests were submitted for consideration as part of the FY2024 Quarter 3 amendment cycle. Per the Wake Transit Amendment Policy, both amendment requests are classified as “major,” having an impact on the Wake Transit financial model and/or requiring a project scope modification.

One (1) amendment request is an operating budget request, and the other one (1) is a capital budget request. Wake Transit partners, members of the community, transit stakeholders, and other interested parties are encouraged to review the FY2024 Q3 Wake Transit Amendment Request Review Packet at the link below. The packet includes detailed information about each request. Relevant comments are accepted online at the link below.


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Wake BRT Groundbreaking Represents Milestone Achievement

By RCH | Nov 29, 2023

According to recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates, about 8.2 million people moved between states during 2022, which was a 3.6% increase over the previous year. A steady stream of newcomers from other states and nations has solidified Wake County and the Greater Triangle Region as a top destination for relocations of people and their vehicles. This growth has magnified the area’s need for transit service improvements and infrastructure investments that result in a system that is safe, accessible, and adds to the quality of life of all residents.

Yet, the continued development of public transit systems toward this end also raises awareness of the vital need to implement improvements that not only provide a variety of transit options but are also in sync with local communities, the environment, and the economy. One solution being developed with the assistance of the Wake Transit Plan is Wake Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

BRT is a high-capacity bus-based transit system that delivers fast and efficient service that may include dedicated lanes, busways, traffic signal priority, off board fare collection, elevated platforms, and enhanced stations, according to the City of Raleigh. A groundbreaking ceremony for the Wake BRT: New Bern Avenue Corridor was held on November 7, 2023. It celebrated the beginning of construction on Wake BRT’s first corridor. The event also showcased Wake BRT’s first bus.

Featured speakers at the groundbreaking included Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin, Wake County Commission Chair Shinica Thomas, NCDOT Secretary Joey Hopkins, and other elected officials, transit representatives, and community leaders. Baldwin, who also serves as Vice Chair of GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees, praised the vision and progress of Wake BRT, pointing out that it will be the first such system in North Carolina. Thomas echoed the sentiment expressed by the mayor, as did Hopkins who added that Wake BRT “fits our vision for a project that is equitable, safe, and reliable.”   

There is still time for residents to participate in one of several remaining community engagement events scheduled for the Wake BRT: Western Corridor, Wake BRT: Southern Corridor, and Wake BRT: Western Corridor, which each originate in downtown Raleigh. For more details about these events, visit: https://raleighnc.gov/transportation/services/what-brt-bus-rapid-transit/brt-project-connect-five-weeks-engage

For the latest Wake BRT information, visit: https://raleighnc.gov/transportation/services/what-bus-rapid-transit-brt

For a general calendar of transit and other Raleigh events, visit https://raleighnc.gov/events

On display during a November 7, 2023 groundbreaking ceremony was the first bus of the Wake BRT fleet.