The Wake Transit Plan is a funding and investment program designed to implement the goals that guide the improvement and expansion of public transportation in Wake County. Voters approved a half-cent sales tax in 2016 dedicated to investments in public transit. The investments of Wake Transit Plan funds are guided by the Four Big Moves:
- Connect Regionally
- Connect All Wake County Communities
- Invest in Frequent, Reliable Urban Mobility
- Enhance Access to Transit
To accomplish the Wake Transit Plan’s Four Big Moves, GoTriangle and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) are assigned to work as lead agencies. The Wake Transit Plan serves as the foundational document for the program. It is developed by the two lead agencies with extensive participation from Wake Transit Plan partners, members of the community, and key stakeholders. The Wake Transit Plan sets system goals and investment priorities for enhancing the transit system in Wake County over a 10-year period. To remain current, the Wake Transit Plan is updated every four years. The Wake Transit Plan currently extends through FY 2030. The upcoming Wake Transit Plan Update will extend it through 2035.
An annual budget is adopted for each fiscal year to provide a yearly blueprint for service improvements and capital investments. The budget is known as the Wake Transit Work Plan. The annual Wake Transit Work Plan helps ensure the Wake Transit Plan is effectively and efficiently implemented. The Wake Transit Plan’s annual budget, including revenue estimates and cost assumptions, is published in the Wake Transit Work Plan.
The Work Plan requires public input and the ongoing involvement of key partners. In addition to GoTriangle and CAMPO, the Wake Transit Program depends on input from county residents, community stakeholders, and the following partners:
- Wake County
- City of Raleigh
- Town of Cary
- Town of Apex
- Town of Fuquay-Varina
- Town of Garner
- Town of Holly Springs
- Town of Knightdale
- Town of Morrisville
- Town of Rolesville
- Town of Wake Forest
- Town of Wendell
- Town of Zebulon
- North Carolina State University
- Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina
Learn more:
The Go Forward Website includes information about current opportunities to participate in surveys, review plans, and submit comments about various projects and programs sponsored, funded, or partially funded through the Wake Transit Program. Click on the following link to view current opportunities to get involved with Wake Transit:
Curious about the overall progress of Wake Transit program and project initiatives? Wake Transit is committed to working toward improved and expanded public transportation options and opportunities. Check out the Wake Transit Performance Tracker for progress updates.
The Wake Transit Plan is guided by the Four Big Moves, which are designed to accomplish the following:
1) Connect the Region
2) Connect all Wake County Communities
3) Create Frequent, Reliable urban mobility
4) Enhance Access to Transit
PUBLIC NOTICE: Draft Work Plan open for comment ’til March 26
The Draft FY 2025 Wake Transit Work Plan is available for community review during a 30-day comment period from February 26 to March 26, 2024. The Draft Work Plan is available online, along with links to provide feedback, at:
A new Wake Transit Work Plan is developed each year. It includes two main parts. First, there is a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget allocates funds to specific operating and capital projects that are continuing from previous years or that are new investments in our transit network. Second, the Plan includes the Multi-Year Investment Program and the Capital Improvement Plan which provide a look ahead at how projected Wake Transit revenues are anticipated to be spent in future years. Current planning extends through FY 2030.
The goal of the Wake Transit Plan is to improve and expand Wake County’s transit network. There are “Four Big Moves” that guide all investment decisions: 1) Connect the region; 2) Connect all Wake County communities; 3) Create frequent and reliable urban mobility; and, 4) Enhance access to transit.
Operating Highlights
In FY25, approximately $45.6 million in expenditures has been proposed in the operating budget. This total includes new investments, as well as the continuation of bus routes and other services that began in previous years.
New operations and improvements include two new GoCary bus routes. The current Apex-Cary Express (ACX) route will be converted to Route 12. This improved route will still connect downtown Cary to downtown Apex, but will stop more often at more locations, and run for more hours each day. Route 11 will provide a new East Cary connection to the regional transit network.
The GoRaleigh transit system will implement service improvements and expansion to Glascock Route 3, Avent Ferry Route 11, Method Route 12, and Carolina Pines Route 7L. In addition, it will launch a new on-demand microtransit service to better connect Rolesville and Wake Forest riders to the network. Another operational investment of note is the contribution of Wake Transit funds to GoRaleigh and GoCary in support of their efforts to increase safety and security for transit riders.
Just over $1.3 million has been set aside for the Community Funding Area (CFA) Program in FY25. The CFA Program provides matching funds to smaller Wake County communities that are seeking to provide new or improved transit services for their community members. CFA is a competitive award program, and the FY25 selection process is currently underway. Projects chosen to receive funding will be included in the Recommended Work Plan that is scheduled for release in May.
Capital Highlights
The proposed FY25 capital expenditure total is $196.8 million.
A core component of the Wake Transit capital budgeting process is balancing day-to-day responsibilities, such as providing safe and reliable transit vehicles and investing in technology upgrades, with the need to save money for high-priority capital projects planned to be completed in future years.
Since its creation, the Wake Transit Plan has reserved and provided funding in support of each of the Four Big Moves. One example is the continued development of the four core Wake Bus Rapid Transit (Wake BRT) corridors that will radiate outward in each direction from downtown Raleigh:
The Draft Work Plan would also help ensure that progress continues on the new Regional Transit Center in Research Triangle Park, the Downtown Cary Multimodal Center, Raleigh Union Station, and construction of compliant operations and maintenance and paratransit service facilities.
Community Review & Public Comment
Wake Transit planners will collect comments on the Draft FY 2025 Wake Transit Work Plan between February 26 and March 26, 2024. Input received will be reviewed and considered for incorporation in the Recommended FY 2025 Wake Transit Work Plan scheduled for adoption in June.
Anyone interested in following Wake Transit Program progress on X can visit @WakeTransit. They may also sign up for email updates by visiting:, scrolling to the bottom of the page, clicking the Wake County Transit Plan box, and entering their contact information.