The 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update is underway!
Help us set transit investment priorities for the next 10-years and learn more about the Wake Transit program. The community review and public comment period for Phase 1 of the Wake Transit Plan Update was scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024 through Friday, June 21, 2024.
The Wake Transit Plan has been investing in the region’s public transit system since 2017. It is designed to expand transportation choices for people living, commuting, and traveling in Wake County and the Research Triangle Park Region of North Carolina. The Wake Transit Plan Update will reassess the transit investment priorities associated with the Plan’s “Four Big Moves” established by the 2016 Wake Transit Plan.
To learn more about the Wake Transit Plan and participate in the public comment process, please visit the GoForward GetInvolved webpage or access the information and survey through one the links below:
After suspending fares during the COVID-19 pandemic, GoTriangle will return to collecting fares on July 1, 2024, with new options for passengers that include digital ticketing and a convenient pass for low-income riders to ride fare-free. Youth (ages 13-18) and seniors (ages 65 and older) will still ride free (as they did pre-pandemic) after they enroll in one of the GoPass programs that allows them to use the Umo digital ticketing platform.
“We’re excited about rolling out these options that are incredibly beneficial to our riders,” says GoTriangle President and CEO Charles Lattuca. “Our passengers will be able to buy digital passes online and ride the bus with one swipe of the GoPass powered by Umo. Through the Umo app, users already can track their trips to see where their buses are in real time. GoPass will allow us to roll out a range of fare options to fit everyone’s needs.”
Read more… GoTriangle’s News Release
Weekend Events: Wake Transit Plan Update
The 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update is underway. Help us set transit investment priorities for the next 10-years and learn more about the Wake Transit program. The community review and public comment period for Phase 1 of the Wake Transit Plan Update runs through Friday, June 21, 2024.
The Wake Transit Plan is a transit investment strategy for improving and expanding transit services across Wake County. There is an estimated $700 million available for projects over the next 10 years. Your responses will help identify community needs and transit priorities. For more information and to follow the Plan Update process, please visit There are also several in-person tabling activities scheduled for this weekend at the following locations: