2035 Wake Transit Plan Update; Comment period wraps up July 21 for Phase 1

By RCH | Jul 18, 2024

The community review and public comment period for Phase 1 the 2035 Wake Transit Plan update will conclude on July 21, 2024. The Wake Transit Plan is the investment strategy designed to shape the future of public transit in Wake County. In 2016, Wake County voters approved a package dedicated to expanding and strengthening the public transportation network countywide.

The goal of the Wake Transit Plan is to improve and expand transportation choices for people living in, commuting to, and traveling through Wake County by investing in projects that advance the Four Big Moves:

  1. Connect the region
  2. Connect all Wake County communities
  3. Create frequent and reliable urban mobility
  4. Enhance access to transit

At the beginning of 2024, Wake Transit Plan financial forecasts projected between $700 million and $1 billion available to invest in transit services from 2026-2035. These funds are in addition to the capital projects and transit services already programmed, but do not include full funding for large, long-term projects like Commuter Rail. Community members are encourage to help by providing their input on how to invest these transit-dedicated funds over the next 10 years.  

Now is your chance to provide input! If you are interested in improving public transportation in Wake County, visit the project web page at https://publicinput.com/WakeTransit2035. It includes the 2024 State of the Plan, outreach activities scheduled in your community, and the investment priorities survey.

Wake Transit Plan Update

2035 Wake Transit Plan Update: Public comment period extended through July 21

By RCH | Jun 25, 2024
There is still time to contribute your opinion to the 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update! Your input is valued and helps set transit investment priorities for the next 10-years. You can learn more about Phase 1 of the Wake Transit Plan Update and participate in the community review and public comment period through Sunday, July 21, 2024. The Wake Transit Plan has been investing in the region’s public transit system since 2017. It is designed to expand transportation choices for people living, commuting, and traveling in Wake County and the Research Triangle Park Region of North Carolina. The Wake Transit Plan Update will reassess the transit investment priorities associated with the Plan’s Four Big Moves, which were established by the 2016 Wake Transit Plan.
  • Connect the region
  • Connect all Wake County communities
  • Create frequent and reliable urban mobility
  • Enhance access to transit
To learn more about the Wake Transit Plan and participate in the public comment process, please visit the GoForwardNC.org Get Involved webpage or access the information and survey through the link below: 2035 WAKE TRANSIT PLAN UPDATE (WEBPAGE AND SURVEY)

Recommended FY25 Wake Transit Work Plan; Comments accepted through June 12

By RCH | May 30, 2024

The time is now to review the Recommended FY 2025 Wake Transit Work Plan, participate in a survey, submit comments, and sign up to follow Wake Transit program progress.

An updated Wake Transit Work Plan is developed annually with two distinct features. First, there is the allocation of funds to specific new and continued operating and capital projects in the upcoming fiscal year. Second, the Recommended Work Plan includes the Multi-Year Investment Program and the Capital Improvement Plan which provide a look ahead at how Wake Transit revenues are anticipated to be spent through FY30.

In FY25, approximately $49 million has been allocated for operational expenditures and approximately $203.1 million will support a variety of capital projects. A few highlights include three new transit routes beginning service, numerous existing routes expanding to serve more people, bus stop and station improvements, and the expansion of existing safety and security measures.  

Input from community members and other Wake Transit stakeholders is vital to the planning process. There are several ways for individuals and groups to submit their input about the Work Plan. The Recommended Work Plan document can be reviewed online. Public comments are accepted through the following channels:

Online: goforwardnc.org/getinvolvedwake
Email: info@goforwardnc.org
Mail: GoTriangle, C&PA, Wake Transit, 4600 Emperor Blvd., Suite 100, Durham, NC 27703
Text: WAKE252 to 855-925-2801 (charges may apply)
Call: 855-925-2801 (toll-free) and enter code 6148 to leave a voicemail
Regional Call Center: GoTriangle, (919) 485-RIDE (7433)