The morning’s bus commute started aboard GoTriangle Route 300 from Cary Depot and ended with a short walk from a stop along Salisbury Street to the site of the Raleigh Union Station Bus Facility (RUS Bus). The day’s groundbreaking ceremony was entertaining, informational, and meaningful to the Wake Transit community. About 100 project partners and stakeholders were on hand to celebrate a significant milestone in the forward progress of this infrastructure investment. A media presence helped inform the public of the event.
RUS Bus became a reality in 2018 when GoTriangle was awarded a $20 million BUILD grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. State and local funds also support the project. RUS Bus is a critical project for going forward with Wake Transit’s Four Big Moves of connecting the region, connecting all Wake County communities, creating frequent and reliable urban mobility, and enhancing access to transit.
GoTriangle is a Wake Transit lead agency and partner; it is also serving as project sponsor of RUS Bus. The project will weave together a street-level bus facility with bike- and pedestrian-friendly spaces. The multimodal RUS Bus facility will provide seamless connections between Amtrak rail, as well as local and regional bus services, and Bus Rapid Transit.
Remediation and the demolition of three former warehouse buildings began in the spring of 2022. A portion of warehouse brick frontage was preserved to incorporate into the new development. Upcoming construction activities will include site work, utility installation, roadway improvements, building construction, and site restoration.
RUS Bus is slated to open mid-2025. The overall project is designed to deliver a vibrant, integrated joint development called “Union West” into the Warehouse District of downtown Raleigh. RUS Bus will be adjacent to the existing Raleigh Union Station. Additionally, private development is expected to include multifamily residential, including affordable housing, and retail in one central and vibrant destination.
RUS Bus: rusbusnc.com
GoTriangle’s groundbreaking ceremony:
Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) grant.
Quick Facts
- The RUS Bus project began in 2018 when GoTriangle won a $20 million BUILD grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
- In FY 2020, progress on the Raleigh Union Station Bus facility included securing rezoning from the Raleigh City Council, selecting a developer, and initiating design.
- Remediation and demolition began on the 1.76-acre site in spring 2022.
- The GoTriangle Groundbreaking Ceremony was Tuesday, October 24th, 2023, 10:15 am.
- RUS Bus is slated to open in mid-2025.
- The RUS Bus Facility site is located along Martin Street in downtown Raleigh, NC.
Key Project Partners
- GoTriangle, Sponsor Agency
- Hoffman & Associates, Development Partner
- City of Raleigh
- North Carolina Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO)
- North Carolina Department of Transportation
- United States Department of Transportation
- Wake County
- Wake Transit Plan

GoTriangle employees helped break ground on RUS Bus during a ceremony held October 24, 2023 in downtown Raleigh, NC.