2035 Wake Transit Plan Update: Public comment period extended through July 21

There is still time to contribute your opinion to the 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update! Your input is valued and helps set transit investment priorities for the next 10-years. You can learn more about Phase 1 of the Wake Transit Plan Update and participate in the community review and public comment period through Sunday, July 21, 2024. The Wake Transit Plan has been investing in the region’s public transit system since 2017. It is designed to expand transportation choices for people living, commuting, and traveling in Wake County and the Research Triangle Park Region of North Carolina. The Wake Transit Plan Update will reassess the transit investment priorities associated with the Plan’s Four Big Moves, which were established by the 2016 Wake Transit Plan.
  • Connect the region
  • Connect all Wake County communities
  • Create frequent and reliable urban mobility
  • Enhance access to transit
To learn more about the Wake Transit Plan and participate in the public comment process, please visit the GoForwardNC.org Get Involved webpage or access the information and survey through the link below: 2035 WAKE TRANSIT PLAN UPDATE (WEBPAGE AND SURVEY)